- Multimodal Optical Imaging for Personalized Hemodynamic Phenotyping of Microcirculation in Septic Patients
- Advancing Immune Defence of Pancreatic β-Cells through Innovative Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
- Elucidation of the mechanism of amorphization and dissolution of bad glass former as a function of drug-polymer interaction and preparation method
- Novel concept for targeted photo-thermal cancer treatment
- Holographic microscopy- and artificial intelligence-based digital pathology for the next generation of cytology in veterinary medicine (VetCyto)
- Laser Photodetachment Spectroscopy on Negative Ions
- Histological recognition and analysis of veterinary tumors surgical margins by using artificial intelligence and multimodal imaging
- Multiparametriska optiska metode cirkulējošā tilpuma atjaunošanas un vazopresoru terapijas vadībai smagi slimiem COVID-19 pacientiem
- Non-melanoma skin cancer diagnostics by evaluating autofluorescence photobleaching kinetics
- Dynamic laser speckle imaging for evaluation of fungal growth activity
- Novel core-shell nanofibers formed by co-axial electrospinning for photocatalytic applications
- Mercury Contamination in Wild Birds in Latvia: Current Patterns and Reconstruction of Previous Trends
- Development of novel methods for coherent control of atomic energy levels beyond the limit of spectral resolution
- Multimodal imaging for veterinary oncology using a combination of optical coherence tomography and photoacoustic microscopy
- Photoplethysmography Imaging For Assessment of Chronic Pain
- Optically Whispering Gallery Module Microresonator Sensors
- Development of 1D ZnO/Polydopamine Nuclear Shell Nanostructures with Improved Sensitivity and Improved Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties
- Biophotonic methods and devices for complex health monitoring
- Low temperature plasma spectroscopic diagnostics and computer modeling
- Theory of Atomic and Short Laser Pulse Interaction
- Development of a new method for non-invasive estimation of recapillization time
- Use of white light (Earth-satellite sensors) for real-time atmospheric composition studies in the troposphere and stratosphere and photochemistry of ozone-halogen mixtures
- Investigation of low-temperature plasma and their application in surface treatment and light source technology
- Quantum mechanical and quasi-classical methods for describing multiphoton processes
- Optical methods for in vivo control of bioprocesses
- Skin cancer early diagnostics accuracy improvement by using neural networks
- Advanced Spectral Imaging Technology for Skin Diagnostics
- Fast and non-contact optical estimation of microorganisms activity