Project title:
"Multimodal optical technology for human circulation microcirculation monitoring"
Project contract number:
Project implementation deadline:
Phase 1: 01.04.2020. - 30.09.2020.
Phase 2: 01.12.2020.-30.06.2022. (extended until 30.09.2022.)
Total project funding:
Phase 1: 27 322,96 EUR, of which 24 590,67 EUR - ERDF support
Phase 2: 300 490,59 EUR, of which 270 441,53 EUR - ERDF support
Research manager:
Dr. phys. Andris Grabovskis (Biophotonics laboratory)
About the project:
The project is implemented 1.2.1. Specific support objective “Increase private sector investment in R&D” Measure “Support for the Improvement of the Technology Transfer System”.
During the 6 months of the project implementation (Phase 1), a feasibility study will be carried out and commercialization strategies (TEP / KS) will be developed.
The establishment of the TEC / KS will create cooperation between dossier developers and scientists, who will provide developers with data, technological know-how support, and development control. The researchers involved will perform a preliminary technology combination test by replacing the research-level hyperspectral camera with a narrowband camera cluster to identify technological limitations and risks.
The 2 nd phase of the project aims to increase the technology TRL to TRL8 in the form of experimental development and to carry out tasks in accordance with the Commercialisation Strategy.
A complete pre-commercial prototype system will be developed for the provision of end-user-clinic personnel with technology at that level, in accordance with the following experimental development activities:
• developing a prototype device for patient investigation,
• developing an image data processing algorithm,
• Validation of the prototype in the physiology laboratory.
On the other hand, the commercialisation of technology is intended to take the following steps:
• economic calculations, including the viability of the business model and the strengthening of intellectual property.
• marketing activities, public communication,
• developing a commercialisation offer. Development of a plan for granting industrial property rights to spin-off.
Intelektuālā īpašuma izsole
Latvijas Universitāte izsludina izsoli Nr. 6/LU/2022 par intelektuālā īpašuma – zinātība (know-how) “Optiska neinvazīva hibrīdmetode agrīnai sepses diagnostikai un terapijas vadībai”, kas ietver metodi skābekļa piesātes vizualizācijai ādā, izmantojot multispektrālos difūzās atstarošanas attēlus, kas iegūti redzamās gaismas šaurjoslu spektru apgaismojumā – izmantošanas tiesībām un licences līguma noslēgšanas procesu.
Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš : 2023. gada 26. janvāris, plkst. 13.00.
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