- Developing an artificial neural network model to analyse emission spectra of high-frequency electrodeless lamps
- Smago metālu koncentrācija nokrišņos un to ietekme uz apkārtējo vidi
- Cell-based electroconductive smart tissue engineering platform for myocardial regeneration
- Spectral line imaging technique for non-invasive analysis of human tissue
- Metodes klīniski nozīmīgas informācijas iegūšanai no ādas iekaisuma slimību fotogrāfijām
- Metode iekaisuma apjoma un līmeņa novērtējumam ādā, izmantojot plaša apgabala hiperspektrālo attēlošanu un atstarotās gaismas konfokālo mikroskopiju
- Development of ZnO/porphyrin nanocomposites for optical nanosensors for determination of volatile organic compounds
- Biophotonics in veterinary medicine - administration and first steps (GoBVM)
- Investigation of Photoinduced Processes in One-Dimensional ZnO/Polydopamine Nanostructures
- Innovative Biomedical Imaging and Processing Technologies (InBiT)
- Development and clinical validation of a novel cost effective multi-modal methodology for early diagnostics of skin cancers
- Development of Prototype Devices for Non-Invasive Skin Condition Assessment
- Time-Resolved Autofluorescence Methodology for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Skin Cancer
- Support for Doctoral Studies at the University of Latvia