Head of the laboratory – Assoc.Prof. Jānis Alnis

Main directions of scientific work:
- optical frequency metrology with a second-thigh optical frequency comb;
- development of optical frequency standards and comparison with radio frequency standards;
- development of ultrastable resonators for laser stabilization;
- atmospheric and air quality observations.
Researchers' night
Whispering Gallery Modes - presentation at Researchers' Night 2021 (in Latvian)
Promotional activities:
- Development of optoplasmonic doped whispering gallery mode resonator
- Development of Optical Frequency Comb Generator Based on Whispering Mod Micro-Resonator and Its Applications in Telecommunications => completed
- Development of New Whispering Gallery Module Micro-Resonators for Optical Frequency Standards and Biosensor Applications and Characterization by Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb => completed
- "Optically Whispering Gallery Module Microresonator Sensors" => completed
Laboratory of Atomic and Atmospheric Physics and Photochemistry
Laboratory of High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Light Source Technology
Biophotonics Laboratory
Quantum Optics Laboratory
Laboratory of Optical Biosensors and Functional Nanomaterials
Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Advanced Biomaterials and Biophysics Laboratory