Head of the laboratory – Dr. Rita Veilande
Researcher group:
- Senior researcher, Dr.phys. Rita Veilande (SCOPUS Author ID: 6506753619)
- Senior researcher, Dr.hab.phys. Imants Bērsons (SCOPUS Author ID: 55938619500)
- Senior researcher, Dr. Teodora V. Kirova (SCOPUS Author ID: 12759956200)
- Researcher, Dina Bērziņa (SCOPUS Author ID: 57196323143)

Main directions of scientific work:
- calculations of energy structures for atoms and molecules affected by various external fields;
- mathematical description of photon;
- studying new non-linear equations for space-localized, three-dimensional electromagnetic solitons;
- development of theoretical models for quantum and nonlinear optics using Rydberg – State atoms: Rydberg EIT, dipole blockade in Rydberg media;
- Rydberg atom localization with spatial dependent fields and light vortices;
- development of theoretical models for cavity-assisted transport of energy and charge in mesoscopic molecular systems;
- theoretical and numerical models for the impact of radiation on amino acids;
- Spectrum modelling for vitamin D2 and D3.
Promotional activities:
- EU Horizon Europe project Quantum Dynamic Control of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Processes (Q-DYNAMO, 2024-2027)
Completed projects:
- LZP project Mercury Contamination in Wild Birds in Latvia: Current Patterns and Reconstruction of Previous Trends, No. lzp -2021/1-0005, (2021-2024)
- Latvia-France Partnership Program OSMOZE Project “States mixing in external magnetic fields in alkali atoms and molecular dimers “, (2020-2021)
- COST action CA18212 “Molecular Dynamics in GAS phase” (MD-GAS), (2019-2023)
- COST action CA16221 “Quantum Technologies with Ultracold Atoms” (AtomQT), (2017-2021)
- Trilateral grant of the Latvian, Lithuanian, and Taiwanese Research Councils Quantum and Nonlinear Optics with Rydberg-State Atoms”, (2016-2018)
- Latvia-France Partnership Program OSMOZE Project “Electromagnetic field-control of the blockade/antiblockade effect in Rydberg ensembles” (2016-2017)
Publications for the last years (in revised scientific journals):
- N. Jia, J. Qian, T. Kirova, G. Juzeliūnas, and H. R. Hamedi “Ultraprecise Rydberg atomic localization using optical vortices”, Optics Express 28(24), 36936-36952 (2020).
- T. Kirova, N. Jia, S. H. Asadpour, J. Qian, G. Juzeliūnas and H. R. Hamedi ”Strongly confined atomic localization by Rydberg coherent population trapping”, Optics Letters 45(19), 5440-5443 (2020).
- I.Bersons, R.Veilande and O.Balcers “Model of Compact 3D Electromagnetic Solitons” Phys.Scr.95 (2020) 025203.
- V.Lukinsone, I.Kuzmina, R.Veilande, E.V.Plorina, D.Bliznuks, K.Bolochko, A.Derjabo, I.Lihacova, J.Spigulis “Multispectral and autofluorescence RGB imaging for skin cancer diagnostics”, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 11065 (2019) 110650A.
- M.Arzamasovs, D.M.Gangardt „Full Counting Statistics and Large Deviations in a Thermal 1D Bose Gas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 120401.
- T. Kirova, A. Cinins, D. K. Efimov, M. Bruvelis, K. Miculis, N. N. Bezuglov, M. Auzins, I. I. Ryabtsev and A. Ekers “Hyperfine Interaction in the Autler-Townes Effect: the Formation of Bright, Dark, and Chameleon States”, Phys. Rev. A 96, 043421 (2017).
- I.Bersons, R.Veilande and O.Balcers “Soliton model of a photon propagating in dielectrics” Phys.Scr.91 (2016) 065201.
- I.Bersons, R.Veilande “Nonlinear models of electric charge and magnetic moment”, Found Phys 45 (2015) 1526.
- I.Bersons, R.Veilande and A.Pirktinsh “Three-dimensional collinearly propagating solitons”, Phys. Scr.89 (2014) 045102.
- I.Bersons „Soliton model of the photon”, Latv. J. Phys. Techn. Sci. 2 (2013) 60.
Laboratory of Atomic and Atmospheric Physics and Photochemistry
Laboratory of High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Light Source Technology
Biophotonics Laboratory
Quantum Optics Laboratory
Laboratory of Optical Biosensors and Functional Nanomaterials
Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Advanced Biomaterials and Biophysics Laboratory