Head of the laboratory – Assoc.Prof. Roman Viter
Main directions of scientific work:
- development of new photonic nanomaterials for optical chemical sensors and biosensors for medical and agricultural applications;
- investigation of photoinduced processes of new nanomaterials;
- development of functional nanomaterials for environmental monitoring, photocatalysis and contaminant detection;
- development of functional nanomaterials for special medical applications.

Promotional activities:
Info on implementaion of the Horizon 2020 project 'Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing'
- Design of pyridinium luminophore structural and optical properties for tailored sensor response
- Anti-calcification treatment of elastin-rich bioprosthetic materials using Fetuin A for aortic valved conduits
- Sliktā stikla veidotāja amorfizācijas un šķīdināšanas mehānisma noskaidrošana atkarībā no zāļu un polimēru mijiedarbības un sagatavošanas metodes (coordinated by Riga Stradiņš University)
- Novel optical nanocomposite sensors for analysis of micro and macro elements in corn plants (SENS4CORN)
- Electro-conductive polymeric 3D scaffolds as novel strategies for biomedical applications (ESCULAPE)
Development of ZnO / porphyrin nanocomposites for optical nanosensors for determination of volatile organic compounds => completed - Study of Photoinduced Processes in One-Dimensional ZnO / Polydopamine Nanostructures => completed
- Development of 1D ZnO / Polydopamine Nuclear Shell Nanostructures with Improved Sensitivity and Improved Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties => completed
- Nanostructural Surface Development for Dental Implant Manufacturing => completed
Laboratory of Atomic and Atmospheric Physics and Photochemistry
Laboratory of High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Light Source Technology
Biophotonics Laboratory
Quantum Optics Laboratory
Laboratory of Optical Biosensors and Functional Nanomaterials
Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Advanced Biomaterials and Biophysics Laboratory