Head of the laboratory – prof. Jānis Spīgulis
Main directions of scientific work:
Development of optical methods and devices for medical and technological applications.
- early non-invasive skin cancer diagnostics and classification of skin lesions using multispectral diffuse reflectance and autofluorescence imaging techniques combined with artificial neural network analysis;
- early detection of sepsis on the knees using multispectral imaging techniques;
- contactless photoplethysmography imaging to monitor the time of exposure to anesthesia;
- assessment and presentation of oxygen saturation in the skin;
- laser beam contrast imaging for microbial growth analysis;
- time-resolved diffuse reflectance and in vivo skin autofluorescence using time-dependent single-photon counting;
- detection of counterfeit currency by multispectral imaging techniques.

Promotional activities:
- Applications of time-resolved spectroscopy measurements in biological tissues and materials
- Noninvasive visualization of immune cells in the upper dermal microvasculature for diagnosis of severe inflammatory conditions
- High throughput Laser speckle imaging to speed up experiments in microbiology
- Whole-body Dermoscopic Imaging in the Visible and Infrared Spectral Ranges
- Multimodal Optical Imaging for Personalized Hemodynamic Phenotyping of Microcirculation in Septic Patients
- Holographic microscopy- and artificial intelligence-based digital pathology for the next generation of cytology in veterinary medicine
- Histological recognition and analysis of veterinary tumors surgical margins by using artificial intelligence and multimodal imaging
- Non-melanoma skin cancer diagnostics by evaluating autofluorescence photobleaching kinetics
- Dynamic laser speckle imaging for evaluation of fungal growth activity
- Laser Laboratory - Europe: An Integrated Activity for a European Laser Research Infrastructure V => completed
- Multimodal optical technology for human circulation microcirculation monitoring => completed
- Fast and cost-effective machine learning based system for microorganism growth analysis => completed
- Biophotonics in veterinary medicine - administration and first steps (GoBVM) => completed
- Multimodal imaging technology for in-vivo diagnostics of skin malformations => completed
- Photoplethysmography Imaging for Chronic Pain Assessment => completed
- Development of Prototype Devices for Non-Invasive Skin Condition Assessment => completed
- Development and clinical validation of a novel cost effective multi-modal methodology for early diagnostics of skin cancers => completed
- Time-Resolved Autofluorescence Methodology for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Skin Cancer => completed
- Fast and non-contact optical estimation of microorganisms activity => completed
- Improving Early Diagnosis of Skin Cancer with Neural Networks => completed
- Advanced Spectral Imaging Technology for Skin Diagnostics => completed
Laboratory of Atomic and Atmospheric Physics and Photochemistry
Laboratory of High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Light Source Technology
Biophotonics Laboratory
Quantum Optics Laboratory
Laboratory of Optical Biosensors and Functional Nanomaterials
Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Advanced Biomaterials and Biophysics Laboratory