The first secondment of the HE-MSCA-SE project Q-DYNAMO was initiated by the project coordinator Dr. Kirova visiting all the EU partners in Italy and Germany.
Scientific activity during the secondment from 05.03.2024 to 14.03.2024 in Parma, Italy included mutual introduction of the Parma and Riga teams by extensive discussions of their current research directions. Work was started on the theoretical models for WP1 "Quantum control via the Autler-Townes effect”, in particular - on the topic of all optical spin-switch in molecular systems.
Scientific activity during Dr. Kirova’s secondment from 15.03.2024 to 24.03.2024 in Pisa, Italy included introduction to the team and a tour of the experimental laboratory, as well as work on the theoretical models of quantum interference in closed atomic systems, which is related to the topic of quantum computing.
Scientific activity during the secondment from 25.03.2024 to 04.04.2024 in Ulm, Germany was devoted to the topic of WP2 "Coherent control of cold atoms and molecules". After an extensive tour of the three experimental laboratories at Ulm University, Dr. Kirova performed work on Task 2.3 "Theoretical studies of coherent control of ultracold chemical reactions”. In the course of this work, a synergy with WP3 "Experimental realization and control of quantum emitters" was noticed in terms of the theoretical and numerical modelling, thus Dr. Kirova also contributed to the development of the theoretical side of WP3.
To introduce Riga’s team research directions Dr. Kirova gave a presentation entitled "Quantum and Nonlinear Optics in Atomic and Molecular Systems", thus contributing to WP5 "Management, communication and dissemination activities”.
In addition, as a project coordinator, Dr. Kirova participated in the coordination of the secondments’ plan from the EU teams to the rest of the consortium participants until the middle of 2025, which is connected to the implementation of WP5 "Management, communication and dissemination activities".