On February 15, 2024, within the framework of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy (IAPS UL) held a poster report session with participation of eighteen IAPS UL researchers and students.
The session was moderated by the head of the Biophotonics Laboratory (BL), Prof. Jānis Spīgulis. The first speaker was the leading researcher of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (LTF) Dr. Imants Bērsons with the presentation "3D photon quantum model". Researcher of the Laboratory of High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Light Source Technology (LHRSLST) Dr. Anda Ābola presented findings of the fundamental and applied research project "Mercury Contamination in Wild Birds in Latvia: Current Patterns and Reconstruction of Previous Trends" (No. lzp-2020/1-0005) with the poster "Determination of mercury in wild bird samples using the Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry". Leading researcher of the Laboratory of Atomic and Atmospheric Physics and Photochemistry (LAAPP) Dr. Uldis Bērziņš presented "The Laser Spectroscopy of Ions in Beams and Traps at University of Latvia". The next speaker was the researcher of the LHRSLST Dr. Natalja Zorina with the report "Studies of the splitting of the Zeeman superstructure of the 253.7 nm spectral line of mercury".
Researcher of the LAAPP Dina Bērziņa introduced on University of Latvia achievements in leading university rankings “University of Latvia in the Times Higher Education World University rankings”.
The researcher of the LHRSLST Dr. Anda Ābola presented two topics "Use of Zeeman AAS for mercury determination in black storks" and " Self-modulation in arsenic high-frequency electrodeless lamps". The leading researcher of the LTP Dr. Teodora Velcheva Kirova presented two papers "Fragmentation of tyrosine by high-energy electron impact" and "Azimuthal Dependence of Electromagnetically Induced Grating in a Double V-type Atomic System near a Plasmonic Nanostructure".
Session moderator Prof. Jānis Spīgulis presented two papers "RGB laser-fibre device for endoscopic spectral imaging diagnostics" and "Dermatology system for full body spectral imaging under fiberoptic illumination".
In the sequel, the findings of the LHRSLST "Novel methods and equipment for processing and disinfection of fibres using cold atmospheric pressure plasma and UV radiation" was presented by the leading researcher Dr. Atis Skudra
BL researcher Emīlija vija Ploriņa presented the report "Processing of rare skin disease multispectral images".
The next to present his topic "Study of morphological, spectral, and nonlinear optical characteristics of nanoparticles" was research assistant of the LAAPP Kalvis Kļaviņš. He was followed by the research assistant of the Quantum Optics Laboratory (QOL) Kristians Draguns with the presentation "III-V Nanowire based optical neural network implementation using geometry induced weights".
The session was concluded by visiting researcher at Laboratory of Optical Biosensors and Functional Nanomaterials (LOBFN) Dr. Simonas Ramanavicius with the presentation "Formation of MXene Thin Films Suitable for the Detection of Pharmaceutical Metabolites by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy".