This year On August 24 - 25, the third international conference “Biophotonics - Riga 2020” organized by IAPS UL took place. Due to the constraints of Covid-19, this year's conference took place remotely - in a ZOOM - with around 60 participants from 11 countries. A total of 31 papers were presented, 11 of which were presented by invited guests - global authorities in the field of biophotonics from various European countries. The conference discussed the latest developments in three areas of biophotonics - biomedical imaging, tissue optics and optical diagnostics and monitoring.
Conference program: https://www.bpr20.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/projekti/BPR20/FINAL_PROGRAMME_BPR-20.pdf
During the coffee break, the conference participants had the opportunity to view and learn about the prototypes that are currently being developed at the IAPS UL Biophotonics Laboratory.
Several IAPS UL scientists from High Resolution Spectroscopy and Light Source Technology Laboratory and Biophotonics Laboratory presented at the conference, presenting the results obtained in the projects funded by the European Commission H2020 and ERDF, as well as the Latvian Science Council.