From 15.11 to 14.12 Dr.Teodora Kirova visited the Nanotransport Laboratory of Prof. Mark Sadgrove at Tokyo University of Science and was introduced to the kind of experiments and research direction in the Tokyo group, connected to controlling the motion of nanoscale objects using light in cavities. Performing her research tasks Dr.Kirova acquired knowledge on using the quantum optics calculations package QuTip ( which is based on the Python programming language. She created a theoretical model for many molecules interacting with laser light and also with cavity photons using the field quantization approach. Dr. Kirova wrote a program in QuTip which describes these processes and performed calculations for different laser and cavity parameters. Together with her colleagues she analysed the obtained results and made plans how to continue this work in the future. These topics are relevant for WP 2 and WP 3 of the Q-DYNAMO project.
In the last week of her visit Dr.Kirova participated in the 1st Q-DYNAMO workshop on quantum optics, organised by the Tokyo team, where she was an invited speaker with a lecture ‘Quantum and nonlinear optics in atomic and molecular systems’
