The end of the first year of the project was commemorated by the "1st Q-DYNAMO Workshop on Quantum Optics" organised on 9.12.2024 by Prof. Mark Sadgrove at Tokyo University of Science (TUS). The Q-DYNAMO leaders from Japan Prof. Mark Sadgrove and Prof. Kali Nayak, as well as the project coordinator Dr. Teodora Kirova (seconded to TUS) presented the current research topics of each team. A special invited lecture was read by Prof. Kaoru Sanaka from TUS. The event was organised in a "summer school format" both with on-site and online participants with extensive time after the lectures, particularly dedicated for open discussions. It was targeted especially at graduate students to encourage them to participate in debates about various scientific topics, theoretical and experimental methods. Members of Q-DYNAMO teams from Tokyo, Ulm and Riga also attended the seminar in person or online. Around 10 people were present on-site, while majority of interested online participants (around 10) were from different research groups at University of Latvi